Ballinlough Traffic Calming Survey Results: |
Ballinlough Residents’ Association carried out surveys of over 600 local residents, schoolchildren & their parents in February, 2022 & March, 2023.
We also conducted a ‘Walkability Report’ with An Taisce Greenschools and a National Transport Authority ‘Walkability Audit’ in June, 2023.
Below are the main areas that have been highlighted by these surveys & reports in need of traffic calming measures.
1. Junction tightening:
- Beechwood Park/Sunnyside
- Pic du Jer/Ballinlough Road
- Ardfallen Road/ Nursery Drive
- Willow Lawn/Ballinlough Road
2. Reduction of Speed Limit from 50 kph to 30 kph on:
- Ballinlough Road
- Beechwood Park & surrounding estates
3. Widening of footpath from OLOL school to traffic lights at Beechwood Park/Ballinlough Road junction.
4. More signage indicating ‘School Ahead’ & ‘Slow Down’.
5. Double yellow lines to prevent parking on the Nursery Drive road from playground to Gus Healy swimming pool- to allow local & emergency vehicle access.
6. Speed tables/ Pedestrian crossing outside St. Anthony’s BNS, the OLOL church & shops on Ballinlough Road
7. Pencil bollards by St. Anthony’s school
8. Tactile paving at entrance to staff car park – St. Anthony’s