Ballinlough Tidy Towns and Bird Watch Cork have been working together on many projects over the last few years to identify and promote the protection of our birds in our area.
So far, our surveys identified over 25 species of birds.

Swift Project with St. Anthony’s
Swifts are medium sized birds and arrive to our shores from Africa to breed in the summer time. They usually nest in same site every year- in tiny gaps of walls and roofs.
Our swift population is unfortunately in decline due to new methods of house building as these gaps in roofs and walls are being filled in.
Our swift project began in 2023.
We installed several swift boxes in St. Anthony’s school.
We also put in a ‘calling system’ to attract nesting swifts to the location.
We hope that we will see more swifts over the skies of Ballinlough each year!
We also worked with local artist Ann Lambe who held an Art Workshop about swifts in St. Anthony’s BNS and who created a beautiful mural of swifts that has now been installed at side wall of the Gus Healy swimming pool.
for further information on how you can help the swifts!

Treecreepers Project

We installed Treecreeper nest boxes in various locations of Ballinlough with the help of Cork City Council & Bird Watch Cork.
Treecreepers are tiny, agile woodland birds that climb trees looking for insects & seeds.
for more information about these fascinating birds!
Bird Boxes Project
Through funding from Tidy Towns/ Pobal we were able to purchase materials to make and install over 25 nest boxes for robins and tits.
Our local Bird Watch Cork branch member Kieran, kindly made the boxes for us.